DBA Services (Remote & Onsite)

3w Texas provides remote and onsite SQL Server DBA services and consulting that is customized according to the needs of your company. Many companies are improving the quality of their database support while saving thousands of dollars yearly by replacing expensive full-time DBA's with remote DBA services. With 3w Texas remote database support, your staff develops a personal relationship with your DBA, and your DBA travels to your site for an introductory visit.

As relational databases and operating systems become even more sophisticated, building and maintaining technological infrastructure has become a specialized and time consuming responsibility. Depending on the size of our operation, you have the option of complementing your existing Information Systems staff or completely outsourcing your database tasks to our consultants who know how to set up, tune, and administer your database systems. 3w Texas offers both on-site and remote monitoring, troubleshooting, and database administration. A few of the DBA services we offer:

  • SQL Server Database Administration
  • Data Modeling
  • Server software installations
  • Server software version upgrades
  • Enterprise Analysis, Audit and Design
  • System performance tuning
  • Report performance tuning
  • Database Administration Services
  • Stored procedures
  • Hardware advisory, system audits
  • Disaster Recovery

Contact us to find out more about our remote and onsite DBA services.